
3 Ways to Increase SMS/Text Marketing Opt-In’s

April 20, 2017 | Elaine Arnold

SMS/Text message marketing can be extremely effective, with open rates of nearly 99% and click through rates of around 20% (compared with 20% open rates and 3 – 6% click through rates on email campaigns.). In order for you to send text messages to your customers, however, you need to get their consent. Without consent, you risk being hit with heavy fines and damaging your reputation. In the long run, acquiring consent to send text marketing to your customers will increase your conversion rates as these customers have expressed that they do indeed want to receive your messages – so these customers are already highly likely to respond to your text marketing offers!

Getting the Opt-In

Customers give their consent to receive text messages by completing an opt-in action. With AppCard, the opt-in process can be easily completed from the digital receipt they receive after they make a purchase at your store. Here are our top 3 ways to ensure customers complete the opt-in process:

  1. Train Cashiers: Your cashiers are your best asset for increasing opt-ins. Make sure they are educated on the process and are upfront with your shoppers about what opting-in means and what’s in it for the customer. Make sure the cashiers communicate that when they opt-in, the customer will receive occasional, personalized promotions and updates, and will not be spammed.
  2. Post Signage: Create signage to place near your POS that tells the customer how your text/SMS marketing program works. How often will they receive messages? What kind of offers or coupons will they receive? How can they opt-in to receiving these offers? If you’re an AppCard business, you can request custom signage from our graphic design team.
  3. Create an Incentive: Give your customers a reward for completing the opt-in process and registering their email. For example: “Earn 50 bonus points for opting in and completing registration!”

We’re confident that you’ll see a great ROI on your text marketing efforts by taking time and making the commitment to increase your opt-in database. Contact your Success Manager to learn more ways to get customers to opt-in to your SMS/text marketing program!

About Elaine Arnold

Elaine is a Senior Customer Success Manager at AppCard, the personalized marketing and rewards platform. Elaine specializes in helping independent grocers to engage their customers with data-driven marketing campaigns to grow their business.